L'Ordre national du Québec - Honneur au peuple du Québec - La plus haute distinction décernée par le gouvernement du Québec.


Can I nominate myself to the Ordre?

No, people cannot nominate themselves for this decoration.

Being appointed to the Ordre or promoted within it must be seen as a collective honour and increased source of duty. No-one can submit their own nomination since the Ordre is not a merit-based system. You must be nominated by someone else.

Any citizen can nominate an exceptional individual for one of the three ranks of the Ordre (Knight, Officer or Grand Officer). The nomination must be supported by either two individuals or by an organization.

Can I nominate someone else?

Yes. During the annual public call for nominations, simply download the nomination form, complete, print and sign it, have it countersigned and send it to the address indicated.

Usual annual public call for nominations calendar

Launch of the call for nominations: September
Deadline for receipt of files: Late October or early November (depending on the calendar)

Note – You are not responsible for suggesting or defending a rank (Knight, Officer or Grand Officer) for the person you are nominating.

Québec candidates – What criteria are used to evaluate nominations?

The main evaluation criteria or factors are:

  • social, volunteer and religious commitment;
  • entrepreneurial activities promoting sustainable growth and employment;
  • eminent technological and scientific achievements giving new impetus or leading to innovation and discoveries that hold future promise;
  • commitment to bringing cultures, communities, generations and individuals closer together;
  • promotion of Québec’s image abroad;
  • ongoing commitment and high moral standards.
  • When a nomination is approved, the rank (Knight, Officer, or Grand Officer) is determined by the Board of the Ordre national du Québec, based on the level and scope of the accomplishments of the person nominated.

Can any Quebecker be inducted into the Ordre?

Anyone born or resident in Québec, except members of the National Assembly, can be received into Ordre. Canadian citizenship and age are not reasons for exclusion.

Can a group of people be decorated by the Ordre?

No, the Ordre is always awarded to an individual.

Can a person be honoured posthumously?

The Le lien suivant s'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre.  Act respecting the Ordre national du Québec stipulates that posthumous appointments and promotions can be made by Order-in-Council at any time.

However, recourse to this provision is very exceptional. In practice, persons who were deceased prior to 1985 are excluded from the possibility of receiving the Ordre posthumously.

What is the nomination procedure?

Every year, usually in September, a public call for nominations is published in Québec’s daily and weekly newspapers. To submit a nomination, simply download the nomination form.

Usual annual public call for nominations calendar

Launch of the call for nominations: September
Deadline for receipt of files: Late October or early November (depending on the calendar)

What is the deadline for submitting a nomination?

Normally, the deadline for submitting a nomination is at the end of October. It corresponds to the date the annual public call for nominations, usually published in September, closes.

The nomination form is available online a few weeks before the annual public call for nominations.

Can you re-submit a nomination?

Yes, there is no rule to the contrary.

If the person you nominated is not selected in a given year, you can re-submit his/her nomination the following year. Simply complete the nomination form. No other justification is required.

Last update: March 9, 2022
Online as of: September 27, 2011